My Inspiration for Writing A-Z for Me! Life Skills for Kids

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”-Dr. Seuss

As far back as I can remember, I have LOVED children’s books! I have memories of my mother reading to me as a very young child. She would read the same books over and over, with my urging, until I had them memorized. Thinking back on those quiet moments curled up next to my mother, time was suspended in our little world. It was peaceful and safe. I could read before I entered Kindergarten because of our time spent reading and re-reading books together.  

 I was born in the early 1970’s, so the modern conveniences of internet and shopping online were non-existent.  I grew up in a single-parent home from the time I was six to thirteen with my younger brother.  Books were scarce in our home, as were other basic necessities, but treasured nonetheless.  The most exciting and anticipated time as a young child was receiving a book in the mail each month from the Book Club. My grandmother had given me a subscription, and it was like Christmas morning when my package arrived every month!  I would graze the illustrations with zeal, try to recognize the words, and use the pictures to figure out the story before the first word was even read to me.

My mother would read my new book to me over and over, pointing to each word as she read until I had it memorized. Little did I know that this strategy and others were a pre-cursor to reading independently. The directionality of left to right, memorizing site words, finger-pointing to each word, sounding out letters, and using context and picture clues were all strategies my mother was teaching me through our story times together.   

As an adult, I have always loved Children’s books and have numerous in my collections as most teacher’s do.  Dr. Seuss, Berenstain Bears, Shel Silverstein, Tomie dePaola, Eric Carle, Beverly Cleary, and so many more brilliant children’s authors grace my book shelves.  Years ago, I found an antique collection of McGuffey’s First, Second, Third, and Fourth Eclectic Reader Editions. The original collection printed in 1879, but my revised editions printed in 1906-What treasures!

Over the years, I shared my growing collection with students and then to my own three children when I became a mother. My children shared a similar passion for books and story time. Some of my fondest memories as a young parent were having my children snuggle up with me for our magical story time. Sometimes it was one-on-one, and other times more of a collaborative read with three, small wiggling little ones around me.  I treasure those memories and grateful my mother instilled the love of reading in me.

Reading unlocks imagination and transports us to places.  The reader can seek adventure, overcome obstacles, find strength, and be inspired.  For me, children’s books were a place of comfort, safety, and peace; the freedom of the mind to imagine being in the pages with the characters.  As I began my journey writing my first book, I dug out and dusted off the drafts that I began as a young teacher.  It was always my dream to author a children’s book. I used these for inspiration and twenty-four years later, I feel blessed to finally turn it into a reality.

Many children face daily challenges in their homes: lack of basic needs, proper care, neglect and sometimes abuse.  Growing up in a struggling single-parent home, hardships occurred. Empathy pours out of me for children faced with such obstacles. Through this book, I want to connect with each and every child and say to them, “Reach inside to your inner light, it’s there! YOU can do it! You Matter and are amazing just by being YOU!” With this book, it is my hope to encourage the talents and strengths of all children, empower them when faced with challenges, expand empathy, and equip children with social tools to enable life success.

Encourage, Empower, Expand, Equip, & Enable Success!

I still love the smell of pages in a book and prefer the feel of one in my hand verses an electronic device.  My mother told me once years ago that she thought I should write a children’s book. I began the journey of researching and writing this book after her diagnosis of brain cancer.  She passed a few months before the book was finished after a 19-month, hard-fought illness. It was a blessing to have this outlet of writing and creativity during a very challenging and sad time. God knew exactly what I needed.

I hope you have an opportunity to read my book, A-Z for Me! Life Skills for Kids found on Amazon.  Included in this blog, I have compiled an Anthology of children’s books related to each alphabet letter, parent resource books, and links to supplemental resource websites. A portion of the proceeds will be donated from the sale of this book to The Nest Center for Women, Children, and Families in Lexington, Kentucky. Thank you!










Anthology of Children’s Books & Additional Parent Resources